Chapter 17

Chapter 17 Positive !!? Many people wants to know how to stay positive all the time ?? , I will not tell you how to be positive all the time Infact I am going to ask you one question Is being positive a solution for every problem ? " Positive kaise rhe!! , kya positive rhna problem ka solution h ???"" Think about it ,!! We all have heard these phrases many times " Be positive" " Subh subh bolo " " Think positive , so that positivity can reflect in your work " All these phrases are true but not always. Don't worry if you are not getting what I am saying , let' s take one example Imagine a situation : You are asked to stay outside in the sunny day (very hot ) for 8 - 9 hours . And you have to complete one task , like measuring the length of ground . What you will do to motivate yourself , Because you also have to put efforts in that work , and for that efforts you should be motivated !! Right ?? Will you say ,...