Chapter 4

 Chapter 4 

" The dish of success " 

 So moving on to the human physiology , here I am back with another topic , that is hard work 

" Evey action has equal and opposite reaction " 

But is this sentence suitable in real life also . 

Sometimes yes , but many times no . 

Because this is a physics statement and my dear friend our life is more in love with chemistry , rather than physics . 

Anyhow , you are not getting my point right now , but if this statement is completely true, then our hard work should pay us equally , 

Then the donkey should be more valuable then horse or any other animal . 

But it's not like that . 

So why I call life loves more chemistry . (Discuss later )

Because the extra factors , that are considered in life and so in chemistry . 

So here the extra factor is smart work 

Isn't it .. 

We all know that in today's era only hardwork can't pay us , but when it mixes with smart work 

It become our luck ! 

Right ! ? 

But is this the only requirement of success 

Hardwork + smart work ? 

I guess no .. 

It's like a baked cake without decoration 

Right ? 

Means the cream is still missing 

So according to you how will you decorate your cake of success !?

By putting some cream , chocolate , gems , !?

But what about that situation when you have worked hard with smart work but still you are not getting the vibe of success , when you are not having much confidence , when your mental health is not stable , when you want to get succeed but still your  past  is triggering you , 

Aren't these factors important to make a tasty dish of success . 


Ya absolutely , these are important . 

And the most important factors among them is our mental health . Mental health is the main cream of our cake . Isn't it ? 

Now if you are reading this and you reached upto three main ingredients of your dish of success 

I want you to close your eyes for a while and think about the moment when you succeed , and then think about a moment when you failed . 

My friend, which ingredient is missing !!?

So I think now you can easily taste your dish of success and failure . 

And can easily distinguish between what is missing . 

Now if you have find the missing ingredients, you can easily find out where to purchase it . 

I guess there is no need to tell the procedure , because my friend this is the one major mistake that we do . 

We think we all are making same dish of our success.  And we start copying others instead of finding our missing ingredients . 

The dish of success is not only the cake , where you can copy each other and cook it . 

The dish of success is our favourite food . Sometimes without even knowing that we are baking cake and the person whom we are copying is not cooking  the same dish , may be they are cooking something spicy ,.

So if we copy them and put chilly in our cake , how does this work . Is it work ?? Noo

So it's very important for us to understand our situation. And find our solutions by own . 

Yes we can take advice , but copying someone completely will absolutely ruin your dish of success. 

That's all !. I want you to think on this topic for a while . 


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