Chapter 1

 Chapter 1 

The story tale :
It was 8:40 in the morning , I almost forgot about our plan of visiting temple . ( That's our belief , we went there yearly )
But even after realising it , I went to sleep again
It took almost 3 hours for us (the whole family ) to get ready
We went there, there was a huge line of people who were waiting to enter the temple , so that they can make a wish .  
At starting there were only two lines , then people started making another line , then another one . There I noticed , they not only wanted to ask for a wish but they also want to make it complete as soon as possible .
I was surprised , but deep down I was aware , this is not the first time when I was watching people rushing so badly (pushing each other ) .
We were standing there since 1 hour , so I was as free as anything , I was relating that situation with life .
Aand what I observe , "yar aise hi to hota h , hame bas khud hi to aage jana hota h , chai kisi ko fir hurt ho "
In this era being selfish has become "cool "
Alright alright , if you have different views regarding this , I respect
Let's move further .
So , people start pushing each other , I was controlling since long time . But there were some women who were taking advantage of the word "feminism " and she was pushing my father to make her way out towards the door of the temple .
I decided this time , I will surely tell her to be in line . She again tried to push others to make her way .
I said  aunt this is not line first of all , and don't you dare again to cross your limits . She started arguing me .
Anyway , some how I win the argument
Hahh !!relief
We enter the temple , but there I got confused , I don't know what should I pray for , I was not able to put my priorities in a line . So without wasting much time , I just make a wish . "Dear god please be with those who need you "
And I felt good .
Everything went good .
Now I also want to share something which really touches my heart .
Shall I continue  , or you get bored !.
Anyway it's pandemic and you people are already bored at home , so  this doesn't effect much .. haah !!
While returning to the parking area , I saw  water all around in the garden , and there were some children who were swimming , dancing , and enjoying . I stopped there for a minute , I looked at them and I realised that this is something that we can't do because we have so much to loose ,like our standard , class , self respect , ego etc etc . But these children , they don't have any standards , they don't have any reputation in the society , that's why they are not afraid of losing it . They don't even care what people will say , how they are being judged . I guess they have accepted the truth and they are just happy in their own way .
My day become more peaceful and happy after that incident . I learnt a lot in those 2 mins . I learned to be happy , I learned to be free , I decided to be just myself .
That's all for this lesson


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It is justttt wowwwwwww ❤️❤️❤️. Ur detailed version ! Amd lessons i really like it 🌹🌹

  3. Mandir ki line ko zindagi se relate kr dia πŸ™Œ moj krdi maksood bhai πŸ’―πŸ˜‚

  4. Like everything in India,this "chapter 1" starts with temple and prayerπŸ˜…πŸ‘

  5. u need not to be selfish all the time just need to work according to the situations and just be aware how to
    reached yourr destination by using every possible thing and disattachment is imp

  6. Honestly parents are real God, get a good job taking care of your family and your parents at their old age is real life. Have a great day 🀠


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