Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Why do we exist!? While washing dishes , all of a sudden a thought interrupted my mind from my fav song " yar mera titliyan varga " . Suddenly I make a pout of my mouth , not to kiss but I nornally do this when I used to think something very important . There was a conversation going on in my subconscious part , what is going to happen with me in the upcoming years , from this thought to another one , where I suppose to be present now , basically what is the purpose of life , Me : am I going to die without knowing the purpose why I was born . My brain : oh baby , no baby , u got me all wrong baby ) . I was wondering who has found the reason yet ? Bill gates , mukesh ambani , mark , elon musk Or anyone ? Is being rich and successful the only reason why we are here . Then who is the one who know the reason why we are existing . Aand that's so deep thought where I stopped washing dishes . "Received a flying chappal " Haah! Anyway washing ...